Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Biological Classification NEET - MCQs

Try your Best for the NEET exam. Here are some of the Biological Classification NEET - MCQs. Check your knowledge and answers are at the bottom.

Q.1 The major criterion of five kingdom system of classification is
  1. The complexity of Cell structure
  2. Mode of Nutrition
  3. The complexity of body organization
  4. Ecological role
Q.2 Spherical bacteria is called
  1. Coccus
  2. Bacillus
  3. Vibrio
  4. Spirillum
Q.3  Bacterial cell divides every one minute. It takes 15 minutes a cup to be filled one-fourth. How much time will it take to fill the cup full?
  1. 30 minutes
  2. 60 minutes
  3. 45 minutes
  4. 17 minutes
Q.4 Cyanobacterium amongst the following is 
  1. Streptococcus
  2. Nostoc
  3. Rhizobium
  4. Nitrosomonas
Q.5 Infoldings of the plasma membrane which help in DNA replication is
  1. Mesosomes
  2. Plasmids
  3. Nucleoid
  4. Slime layer
Q.6 A location with a luxuriant growth of lichens on the trees indicated that the
  1. Location is highly polluted
  2. Trees are very healthy
  3. Location is not polluted
  4. Trees are heavily infested
Q.7 Virus have
  1. DNA enclosed in a protein coat
  2. Both DNA and RNA
  3. Prokaryotic nucleus
  4. Single chromosome

Q.8 Anoxygenic photosynthesis is a characteristic of 

  1. Ulva 
  2. Spirogyra
  3. Chlamydomonas
  4. Rhodospirllum

Q.9 Which of the following shows coiled RNA strand and capsomeres?
  1. Retrovirus
  2. Polio Virus
  3. Tobacco mosaic virus
  4. Measles Virus
Q.10 Archaebacteria differ from eubacteria in
  1. Mode of reproduction
  2. Cell shape
  3. Cell membrane structure
  4. Mode of nutrition
Q.11 Maximum nutritional diversity is found in the group 
  1. Animalia
  2. Plantae
  3. Fungi
  4. Monera
Q.12 Which statement is wrong for viruses?
  1. Antibiotics have no effect on them
  2. All are parasite
  3. They have the ability to synthesize nucleic acids and proteins
  4. All of them have helical symmetry
Q.13 Nuclear membrane is absent in
  1. Agaricus
  2. Volvox
  3. Penicillium
  4. Nostoc
Q.14 Which one of the following fungi contains hallucinogens?
  1. Ustilago sp.
  2. Morchella esculenta
  3. Amanita muscaria
  4. Neurospora sp.
Q.15 Fungi differ from bacteria in
  1. Having non-cellulosic cell wall
  2. Mode of nutrition
  3. Flagella structure
  4. Reserve food material as starch
Q.16 Mycoplasma is insensitive to
  1. Terramycin
  2. Streptomycin
  3. Chloramphenicol
  4. Penicillin
 Q.17 Photosynthesis protistans are
  1. Dinoflagellates and zooflagellates
  2. Euglenoids and protozoans
  3. Slime moulds and ciliates
  4. Dinoflagellates and Euglenoids
Q.18 Red tide is caused by
  1. Blue Green Algae
  2. Euglena
  3. Protozoans
  4. Gonyaulax
Q.19 Flagellation in Euglena is
  1. Heterokont and stichonematic
  2. Isokont and whiplash type
  3. Heterokont and whiplash type
  4. Uniflagellation
Q.20 Asexual reproduction by zoospores formation is the feature of
  1. Sac fungi
  2. Club fungi
  3. Algal fungi
  4. Fungi imperfecti

Biological Classification NEET - MCQs

Everyone wants to crack NEET exam in their 1st or 2nd chance. So try your best and work hard for it. There are some questions related to the living world chapter. Try to attempt after your revision work. All the Best.

For more easy and simplified Biology (For biology lovers) - http://www.biologistworld.com

Answers of 'Biological Classification'NEET - MCQs'

Ans. 1 (B) Mode of nutrition
Ans. 2 (A) Coccus
Ans. 3 (D) 17 mins
Ans. 4 (B) Nostoc
Ans. 5 (A) Mesosomes
Ans. 6 (C) Location is not polluted
Ans. 7 (A) DNA enclosed in a protein coat
Ans. 8 (D) Rhodospirllum
Ans. 9 (B) Tobacco mosaic virus
Ans. 10 (C) Cell membrane structure
Ans. 11 (D) Monera 
Ans. 12 (D) All of them have helical symmetry
Ans. 13 (D) Nostoc
Ans. 14 (C) Amanita muscaria
Ans. 15 (C) Flagella structure
Ans. 16 (D) Penicillin
Ans. 17 (D) Dinoflagellates and Euglenoids
Ans. 18 (D) Gonyaulax
Ans.19 (A) Heterokont and stichonematic
ANS. 20 (C) Algal fungi

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